Filmek Főoldal TV műsor DVD / Blu-ray Filmek Színészek Rendezők Fórumok Képek Díjak Mozi
Elfelejtett jelszó

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Részletes keresés

Marked Men - Tetovált srácok

A konyha
Andrea szeretete
Fekete kutya
Haláli állatok hajnala
Mickey 17
Mindörökké tiéd

A majom
Emilia Perez

További mozibemutatók

Hamarosan a TV-ben
- Film Mánia, 13:40
Marvin szobája
- Paramount Network, 13:55
Édenkert a világ végén
- Film4, 14:10
A szív bajnokai
- Moziverzum, 14:10
Vén rókák
- Film+, 14:50

Teljes tévéműsor

Terrence Howard (56)
Johnny Knoxville (54)
Jeffrey Nordling (63)
Matthias Schweighöfer (44)
Thora Birch (43)

További szülinaposok

Legfrissebb fórumok
F mint foci - Avagy vélemények a bajnokságokról
K2 (Film a prostituáltakról - Éjszakai lányok) - Vélemények
80-as, 90-es évek emléke
Cassandra - Vélemények
Mit hallgatsz most?

További fórumok

Utoljára értékeltétek
Őrült római vakáció aaaaa
Kim Basinger aaaaa


Fórum - Samuel Z. Arkoff - Vélemények

Ahhoz, hogy hozzá tudj szólni a fórumokhoz, be kell jelentkezned, vagy regisztrálnod itt!

1. Menrot (2012-06-12 13:35.04)  
Nyugodjon békében a producer úr!

2002 Horrortár - A jövő ősembere (TV movie) (executive producer)

2001 A tengeri szörny (TV movie) (executive producer)

2001 Amíg világ a világ (TV movie) (executive producer)

2001 Szörnyek szülője (TV movie) (executive producer)

2001 Embertelen pók (TV movie) (executive producer)

1999 Az átok (executive producer - uncredited)

1985 Hellhole (executive producer)

1984 Up the Creek (executive producer)

1983 The Final Terror (executive producer)

1982 Q (executive producer)

1980 Gyilkossághoz öltözve (executive producer - uncredited)

1980 A völgylakó (producer - uncredited)

1980 Hogyan legyünk milliomosok (executive producer)

1979 C.H.O.M.P.S (executive producer)

1979 A rettegés háza (executive producer)

1979 California Dreaming (executive producer)

1979 Stridulum (executive producer - uncredited)

1978 Our Winning Season (executive producer)

1977 Dr. Moreau szigete (executive producer)

1977 Caprona II (executive producer - as Samuel Z.Arkoff)

1977 Hangyabirodalom (executive producer)

1976 A város, amely rettegett a naplementétöl (executive producer)

1976 Nina (executive producer)

1976 Eljövendő világ (executive producer)

1976 A kétbalkezes és az örömlány (executive producer)

1976 The Food of the Gods (executive producer)

1976 Sziciliai kereszt (executive producer)

1976 Dragonfly (executive producer)

1975 Visszatérés Macon megyébe (executive producer)

1975 Caprona - Az elfeledett vidék (producer - uncredited)

1975 Hennessy (executive producer)

1975 Cooley High (executive producer)

1975 The Wild Party (executive producer)

1974 Abby (executive producer)

1974 Őrültek háza (executive producer)

1974 Sugar Hill (executive producer)

1973 Hell Up in Harlem (executive producer)

1973 Slaughter's Big Rip-Off (executive producer)

1973 Heavy Traffic (producer)

1973 Dillinger (executive producer)

1973 Scream Blacula Scream (executive producer)

1973 Coffy (executive producer - uncredited)

1972 Blacula (executive producer)

1972 Slaughter (executive producer)

1972 Dr. Phibes visszatér (executive producer)

1972 A lázadók ökle (executive producer - uncredited, producer - uncredited)

1972 Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? (producer)

1972 Gli orrori del castello di Norimberga (executive producer)

1971 Bunny O'Hare (executive producer)

1971 Murders in the Rue Morgue (executive producer)

1971 Gojira tai Hedorâ (executive producer)

1971 A förtelmes Dr. Phibes (executive producer)

1970 Up in the Cellar (producer)

1970 Gezora, Ganime, Kameba: Kessen! Nankai no daikaijû (producer - US version)

1970 Cry of the Banshee (producer)

1970 Üvöltő szelek (producer)

1970 Dorian Gray (executive producer)

1970 Átkozott mama (executive producer)

1970 Voodoo child (executive producer)

1970 An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe (executive producer)

1969 De Sade (producer)

1969 Chastity (executive producer - uncredited)

1968 Three in the Attic (producer)

1968 The Savage Seven (executive producer)

1968 Boszorkányvadász generális (executive producer - uncredited)

1968 Wild in the Streets (producer)

1967 Devil's Angels (executive producer)

1967 Thunder Alley (executive producer)

1966 The Big T.N.T. Show (documentary) (executive producer)

1966 Dr. Goldfoot és a lánybombák (executive producer)

1966 A vad angyalok (executive producer)

1966 Fireball 500 (producer)

1966 The Ghost in the Invisible Bikini (producer)

1966 Queen of Blood (producer)

1965 Dr. Goldfoot és a Bikini-gép (producer)

1965 Die, Monster, Die! (executive producer)

1965 Vámpírok bolgyója (executive producer)

1965 Sergeant Dead Head (producer)

1965 Furankenshutain tai chitei kaijû Baragon (executive producer, producer - US version)

1965 A kísértés bikiniben érkezik (producer)

1965 Ski Party (co-executive producer - uncredited)

1965 The City Under the Sea (executive producer - uncredited)

1965 Tengerparti tombola (producer)

1964 Sindbad contro i sette saraceni (producer)

1964 Ligeia sírboltja (producer - uncredited)

1964 Pajama Party (producer)

1964 The Time Travelers (producer - uncredited)

1964 Uchû daikaijû Dogora (executive producer - US dubbed version)

1964 Bikini Beach (producer)

1964 La cripta e l'incubo (executive producer: US version)

1964 Muscle Beach Party (executive producer)

1964 Az utolsó ember a Földön (executive producer)

1964 Roma contro Roma (executive producer)

1963 A rémület komédiája (producer)

1963 Dai tozoku (producer - english version)

1963 X (executive producer)

1963 A kísértetkastély (executive producer - uncredited)

1963 Beach Party (executive producer)

1963 Operation Bikini (executive producer)

1963 A holló (executive producer)

1963 Nyári vakáció (executive producer - US prints only)

1962 L'ira di Achille (producer)

1962 Világvége (executive producer)

1962 Rémtörténetek (executive producer)

1962 Invasion of the Star Creatures (producer - uncredited)

1962 Night of the Eagle (producer)

1962 Journey to the Seventh Planet (producer)

1962 Az idő előtti elhantolás (producer)

1961 A kút és az inga (executive producer)

1961 Master of the World (executive producer)

1961 Reptilicus (producer)

1960 Space Men (executive producer)

1960 Saiyûki (producer - English version)

1960 La vendetta di Ercole (executive producer - English language version)

1960 A démon maszkja (executive producer - U.S. version)

1960 Circus of Horrors (producer)

1959 Egy vödör vér (executive producer - uncredited)

1959 Horrors of the Black Museum (producer)

1959 Paratroop Command (producer)

1958 Submarine Seahawk (executive producer)

1958 Earth vs. the Spider (executive producer)

1958 La morte viene dallo spazio (executive producer - uncredited)

1958 Teenage Cave Man (executive producer)

1958 High School Hellcats (executive producer)

1958 War of the Colossal Beast (executive producer)

1958 Machine-Gun Kelly (executive producer)

1958 The Bonnie Parker Story (producer)

1958 Suicide Battalion (executive producer)

1958 Terror from the Year 5000 (executive producer)

1957 The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent (executive producer)

1957 The Amazing Colossal Man (executive producer - uncredited)

1957 Motorcycle Gang (executive producer)

1957 Reform School Girl (producer)

1957 Invasion of the Saucer Men (executive producer)

1957 Dragstrip Girl (executive producer)

1957 Voodoo Woman (executive producer)

1956 Runaway Daughters (executive producer)

1956 The She-Creature (executive producer)

1956 Girls in Prison (executive producer)

1956 It Conquered the World (executive producer - uncredited)

1950 The Hank McCune Show (TV series) (producer)

Kapcsolódó fórumok

VéleményekMenrot, 2012-06-12 13:351 hsz
Kérdések téma megnyitása0 hsz

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