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Rachel Weisz (55)
Jay Duplass (52)
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Kiss Diána Magdolna - Vélemények
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Odaát (sorozat) - Odaát és minden másról

2010-05-18 10:46.15
That small laugher.
“No, Sam. My teeth are all second ones. That's pretty cool, huh?!”
“Oh man...yeah,yeah that's pretty cool.” Sam felt the tiredness come over
him. He closed his eyes and a small sigh escaped from his lips. He felt Dean
shifting next to his bed and he opened his eyes again.
“Go to sleep, Sammy. The tooth is out.”
“ too, Dean.”
Now this calming thing, their little ritual after every single hunt, had to take
“You'll go to bed too, will ya?”
This small laughter.
“Yeah. No more hunts today. You're alright, lil’ bro'?”
“Yeah, and you, Dean?”
“Of course I am”
Sam closed his eyes and sighed again. He felt the gentle tousle of his big
brothers hand through his hair.
“G'night, Dean...and thanks” he mumbled.
The hand moved away and just a second before he fell into a deep sleep, he heard
the most calming words of all, the voice that meant safeness and security to
“It's okay, everything's fine. G'night, Sammy...”

Sajna kénytelen voltam szétszedni. Ez van. A magyar változatom is megvan valahol. Csak épp azt nem tudom, hogy hol.:DDD

2010-05-18 10:44.43
Sam said nothing. His brother had just explained the pain he was going through
the whole last freaking three days. He almost needed half a minute to speak
“...yeah...yeah, it's like that...”. He knew, that his brother was smirking
again and felt like beeing betrayed.
“, you can help me, Dean?” he whispered.
“Yeah. I can. I really can.”
Sam was relieved like you wouldn't believe.
“But shall I? It will hurt, Sammy.” And his heart sank again to his knees.
But he nodded – and Dean noticed.
“'kay. Listen Sammy – I need you to tell me which tooth it is. So I can
reach the right one and don't pull out the wrong you...” -
“Wait, what? You wanna pull out my tooth?” Sam said a little too loud,
alarmed by Dean's cruel plan. He heard a small laughter of his big brother.
“Yeah, Sammy, this tooth has to go! You know, there'll be another one!
There'll grow the next tooth, a bigger one. The kind of tooth adults have. Like
I have.”
“Like you? There'll be a tooth just like you have one?”
“I have some of them – all your teeth are gonna be replaced by the second
ones. It's just normal, Sam”
“What oh?”
“So this toothfairy has something to do with that?” Dean didn't say
something for a few seconds.
“The toothfairiy? Well...yeah. Where you've heard that one from?”
“A girl in school said to everybody that the toothfairy had brought her a
dollar but she explained to everybody that her mum lay the money under her
cushion. Thank god, 'cause I thought this toothfairy was supernatural.”
Another pause.
“Well...yeah, the toothfairy isn't supernatural. She doesn't exists. Parents
sometimes lay something under your cushion when you’ve lost a tooth.”
Dean hadn't moved from his crouching position but now he shiftened a little and
squeezed Sammys hand.
“So when you pull out my tooth... - are gonna lay something
under my pillow?”
A pause again.
“Dunno, Sam. Maybe I will.”
Another shift.
“Why not dad? Uh, what will he say tomorrow when I show him that my tooth is
out of my mouth?”
“He'll say 'Finally'.”
“Yeah? So...I'm losing my teeth uncommonly late?”
“I dunno. No. Don't think so.”
Another shift.
“What is it Dean? Why are you talking in such short sentences? Is it 'cause of
the toothfairy?”
Oh god, he told Dean about the other girl’s parents, like they lay something
under her pillow...maybe it is because we have no mom...
“...Dean, I'm sorry...I didn't want to mention something like that”
A pause.
“Uh. What? Mention what?”
“This girl's parents, I...”-
“- nevermind, Sammy. So do you want me to pull this damn tooth out or
Sam sighed. Yeah. He wanted this damn tooth out of his mouth right now.
“Hell, yeah.”
“So, tell me which one it is.” Dean leaned forward and Sam felt the warm
exhalation of his brother in his face.
“The left incisor...”
He felt his brother's sqeezing hand moving to his now open mouth. He stiffened
when the thumb of his brother touched the tooth gently.
“Jeez, Sammy, it's just a tooth. We killed off a poltergeist last week and
now you're whining 'bout a freaking tooth!”
“N'not whinin'!” he tried to say but he was interrupted by Dean.
“Yeah, it's 'kay, Sammy....huh, Got the wobbly tooth!”
Sam felt it, his brother held the freaking tooth between thumb and forefinger
and was waggling it...
“Geean! Stog it!”
He heard his brother laugh a little.
“Alright, lil’ bro''ll pull the tooth out're ready?”
Sam wanted to nod, but then he figured that wouldn't be a good idea. So he
showed his brother in the darkness a thumb up. And his brother noticed that
“'kay. On three, alright”
Another thumb up.
“One....” - and there it was, a fast, short pull, a little +plop+ , and a
subliminal taste of copper on the gingiva where his tooth used to be. And a very
short pain – but that was nothing to the alleviation Sam felt the second he
noticed that the tooth was out and the source of pain was now in Dean's hand. So
the “Oooww, you said 'on three'” changed into a relieved sight and his
tongue explored the now existinct hole, while he shot his eyes close and took a
deep breath.
“Yuck” he heard his brothers disgusted voice and openend his eyes. Dean was
holding Sam's tooth far away from him and finally lay it on the shabby bed
table on his side.
“Sam – that's cruel...I had to pull out my baby brother's tooth...yuck.
Wouh. Yuck!”
Sam smiled – he knew that Dean wasn't serious, he just needed to keep his
image. And maybe he was relieved, too.
“Yeah, Dean. I'm sorry.”
Dean shifted and braced himself on the edge of the bed.
“You better be, 'cause it's a torture to force big brothers to do that!”
Sam's smile grew wider. Yeah. Right.
“'kay, Dean. So next time, I'll pull out your damn tooth.”
Again this small laughter, the sweet music in Sam's ears.
“Yeah, right.” A pause. “'kay, that's the deal. You'll pull out my next
wobbly tooth”.
“Really? Oh great, man, that’s....wait. You won’t have a next wobbly
tooth, right?”

2010-05-18 10:44.11
Sam blinked the coming tears away and squeezed Dean's hand harder. He was afraid
of telling his brother what was going on. Because – he didn't really know
himself what was going on. And maybe, when he was talking to much....but he had
to tell Dean. That one he knew. So he had to risk it.
„There ist...there is something with my mouth, Dean....“ Sam confessed.
„Something's not right in there...I...I'm...“ he felt his lower lip
trembling once more and squeezed Dean's hand as much as he could. It was just
like the wound knew that he was talking about it, because the sharp pain came
again and he was close to tears once more time. But there it was, the calming
down, the longing for the calming voice of his big brother.
„In your mouth? Something's not right with your mouth?“
Sam nodded despite the darkness but was sure that Dean had noticed it. He knew,
what Dean's next step would be. He would examine the wound very quickly, say
that it wouldn't be a bad one, then lay into his bed, let him cuddle against his
side. And then he would say those calming words, stroke his hair and Sam would
fall asleep in no time. But to Sam’s amazement and horror, Dean did no such
thing. He just moved his hand from Sam's away, stood and watched over him.
„Hm. Your mouth, you said.“

Sam felt the rising lump in his throat again. Oh god, Dean had no idea what
they were dealing with. That's wrong, he always did. Dean knew everything.
„ that hurting wound IN your mouth?“
The adressed heard a note of great disbelief in his brother's word and his heart
sank into his knees.
„...yes...yes, Dean. It''s hurting so much and...I can' anything
about it“. The tears were running over his cheeks again and he had to force
himself to whisper; and not to yell the answer.
„You think there is anything to do 'bout it?“ he heard his brother.
What the hell? Why did his brother do this to him?
Sam shifted in his bed , propped himself up a little. Braced on his elbow he
searched his big brother's face.
„ know what to do, right? Please, Dean!There is something in my have to do something about it! I tried to stay calm, I tried
not to cry...I…I tried so hard, but I...I don't know what is is...Dean!“
He fell back on his back and sobbed, his arm over his eyes again. And suddenly
Dean was crouching on his side again, his hand on Sam's arm.
„Sssshh....Sammy, ssshhh...I was just kiddn'g little bro'!! Of course I know
what to do...Aw, Sammy, there's no reason to cry!“ he whispered.
Sam tried to stop crying and moved the arm that hid his eyes, away. „
reason? Yeah..but it hurts!“
„Ssshh...I know it hurts, I know this sort of pain, dude!“
Now Sam was confused and the tears stopped running down his face.
„ know it?Wh..Why?“
„'Cause, li'll bro' it's just normal“
Sam heard the notorious smirk in this simple sentence and he immediately wanted
to laugh. Although he didn't know what his brother was smirking about. Normal?
“That's...that's normal? This pain is...normal?”
“Yeah, Sam. Let me's not your mouth that's hurting – it's a
tooth, right? Uh, wait, not the tooth, but the gingiva around it, right? And it
feels like your whole mouth is on fire and you just want this tooth out – but
when you touch it, there are tears in your eyes and you just wanna cry.

2010-05-18 10:43.30
Sammy!“ the now louder voice of Dean startled him a bit – because it was
nearer closer than he thought. His brother had jumped out of the bed within one
short second and was on the side of his little brother's bed within another
„Sam, my god, what is it?“
Sam moved his head to his brother and his eyes, full of tears, looked into
Dean's face – where he assumed his brother's face to be in the darkness. He
opened his mouth, but he didn't dare to speak. What, he didn't want to
think about that.
„What is it, Sammy? Jeez, say something!“.
Sam watched his brother crouching down to him and searching his arm. Once found
he felt Dean's slight squeeze and this touch was enough to break the barrier
completely. He sobbed again, a little louder this time, and lay his free arm
over his eyes. He was such a wuss, Dean has been right all the time.
„Sam...!Talk to me! Was it a nightmare? Are you hurtin' , Sammy?“
Sam coulnd't just not answer, he couldn't hear the worry in Dean's pleading
voice. He moved his arm back to his side and looked straight into Dean's face,
which was hidden in the darkness of the room. Was his brother smiling, or was he
pissed? No, Dean would never be pissed when Sam was crying. Sometimes, yeah, but
he wouldn't show it to his little brother. Not like that.
„Shall I switch on the light?“ he heard his big brother's question.
„No!“ he said a little too loud. No light. Mayber there was blood
everywhere. And he didn't want to see blood. He didn't want his brother to see
it. And he didn't want his brother to see him so pathetic. He wanted to be a big
boy – just once. But despite this thoughts he grabbed Dean's hand on his arm
and squeezed it. Dean didn't say anything. Maybe he was searching something in
the darkness, searching his little brother's face to see those tears. Maybe he
was just waiting for Sam to say something.
„I....I just...“ , Sam began quietly , „...I'm hurting a li'll....“
He saw Dean shifting and squeezed harder. Dean shouldn't leave. He didn't, he
resqueezed his little brother's hand and braced his other arm on the edge of the
bed, leaned closer into his brother.
„Where, Sam? Where are you hurt? Was it the last hunt?“ Dean's voice was a
little raspy and he whispered the words. Maybe Sam should whisper , too. Maybe
Dad was back and needed to sleep.
„No. Not from a hunt. It's...I don't know...“
„You don't know? Sam, this is important. Tell me. I wanna know, I really
should know!“

2010-05-18 10:42.47
And ecause this horrible pain wasn't a result of a damn hunt, he didn't dare to
wake his brother. He coulnd't explain the wound, couldn't explain the pain
itself – he just knew that it was terrible and that he couldn't sleep due to
that pain.
The cushions under his head were a little damp, and he wondered whether it was
clammy because of sweat – even a 8-old boy sweats when he was hurting – or
because of blood. And that was the point where the dull ache reached the point
of culmination and the cushy dread became an incredible fear – a fear a boy
uses to experience, when he doesn't know what's going on and when he is forced
to suffer from heretofore unknown pain. This was the point when Sam let out a
desperate sob just to press his hand horrified onto his mouth a second later –
but that just increased his pain and he couldn't hold the tears from his eyes
„Sam?“ he heard his brothers muffled voice. „Sammy, you 'kay?“.
The addressed bit his lower lip and lay his hand back to his side, on the
„Yeah...yeah, I just thought I would fall down some stairs. In a dream,
you know?“
„Hm...'kay. Go back t'sleep, Sam.“
Despite the darkness, Sam nodded and bit on his lower lip again to keep his lip
from trembling. He had to pull himself together. When he was old enough to hunt
monsters, he also could overcome such a freaking little pain. Not that the pain
was really that little. And not that Sam felt really grown up right in this
moment. To tell the truth he felt like a damned little boy, really childlike.
And he just felt the rising lump in his throat again, and the tears hadn't
stopped running down his cheeks yet. He sqeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip a
little bit more – and that was a mistake, because the pain that somehow had
damped because of the first sob, came back again with such a cruel intensity
that he couldn't held the next sob back – and this time, he didn't press his
hand onto his mouth, but turned his head to the wall beneath him and let the
tears run, his little sweaty hand turned into a fist.

2010-05-18 10:38.17
Nekem is tetszik Richard. Szerintem igazán szép munka.:DDDD

Mazeltof, bár itt inkább annak van előnye, aki tud angolul.XD

A kid's pain

This pain was completly new to him. It was sharp, a little hot and there was
nothing to do about it. When he stroke over the little wound, it hurt so much
he had to wince and when he dared to press it – suddenly there where big
crocodile tears in his eyes and he felt like crying out loud.
Sam lay in his bed, the scratchy blanket over his small body and a crumpled
pillow under his head. The room, where he and Dean had gone to bed two hours
earlier, was drenched in darkness. His big brother wouldn't fall asleep until
Sam faked his sleep und had breahted just like he had fallen asleep – the
young boy knew that Dean always felt responsible for him and coulnd\\\'t sleep
right when Sam wasn\\\'t sleeping himself. So his only opportunity was to fake his
sleep. But there was no way he could fall asleep right now. The pain was
killing him and like the night before, he was almost crying. Everytime he was
just a second away from the beckoning sleep, he felt the hurt and let out a
suppressed groan of pain. He shifted in his bed, again and again, and fought
against the impulse tojump out of the damn bed and go straight to his big
brother, who would ease the now nearly unbearrable pain and would whisper these
calming words into his ear. Then he would begin to rock him a little and a few
minutes later, he would have fallen into a deep sleep. Like the other days when
he got injured on a hunt. But this was different. This wasn\\\'t the result of one
of these hunts – he himself wasn\\\'t on many hunts anyways. He just found out
the truth about monsters and the \\\'job\\\' of their dad, so their father – and
often his brother as well – went on hunts alone. But sometimes, Sam went with
them and sometimes he got hurt. And there was always Dean who made him feel
save and content despite the pain. But this – this was so much worse.

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-18 06:20.23
Ez nagyjából olyan, mint, hogy Gabet se találták meg az angyalok Xezer év alatt, pedig szerintem azért őt is keresték. Hogy ezt miért hoztam fel, mert Gabe nem volt Isten mégis elég jól elbújt tesókái elől. Ebből pedig az következik, hogy Istennek azért mégis csak nagyobb hatalma lehet, mint egy Arkangyalnak. Szóval,szerintem, ha ő nem akarta, hogy megtalálják akkor nem is találják meg.:DDD

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 21:35.31
Igen. Mert azért Dean nem az a fajta, aki bárkihez is közeledne. Kivéve ha az illető nem egy bögyös maca.:DDD Nekem különben tetszett ez a vonal amit Kripkéék összehoztak, hogy szépen lassan alakult ki a két hülyegyerek közt a barátság. És ahogy gyakorlatilag összecsiszolódtak.^^

Én általában egy kissé válogatósabb vagyok. Mondjuk az is igaz, hogy nekem furcsa allergiám van, már ami a citrusféléket illeti.:D

2010-05-17 21:13.46
És ez nekünk csak jó. Mondjuk az azért még egy érdekes kérdés, hogy Misha kiként tér vissza.

2010-05-17 21:11.43
Hogy én milyen rég csináltam madártejet. Marhára. Különben én nem is szeretem annyira, inkább az öcsém meg a hugicám madártejes. Én jobban szeretem a csokis dolgokat. Nos igen, ezután fél óráig szakadtunk a röhögéstől. Pedig ha azt nézem, ez is egy alternatíva. Elvégre ha Jimbora rájön a szapora nem biztos, hogy kimehet, amikor épp Cas Jamborizik a testében.:DDD

Én különben annyira nem lepődtem meg azon, hogy Gabenek tele lett a bakancsa az egész mennybeli cirkuszból és lelépett. Na igen, de azért Dean az elején még nem így állt a dologhoz, sőt néha úgy tudott a "szárnyasra" nézni mint aki szíve szerint megtépné. Nos ilyenkor merül fel a kérdés, hogy vajon meg lehet e tépni egy angyalt?:DDD Dean karaktere esetében fontos a bizalom, mivel akiben nem bízik, azt nem is engedi közel magához. És valljuk be Casben sem bízott az elején. Cas meg ugyebár munkának tekintette Deant, akit szemmel kell tartani, meg utasítgatni őt.:DDD

2010-05-17 21:01.16
És szerintem az évad további részére is meglesz Misha szerződése. Mert a filmkészítés biznisz és a rajongók jelenteni pénz. Szóval, ha a készítők nem akarnak egy csomó rajongót elveszteni, akkor nagy valószínűséggel még meghosszabítsák Misha szerződését. Ami nekünk csak jó.:D

Odaát (sorozat) - Odaát és minden másról

2010-05-17 20:58.25
Szívesen elmondhatnám, hogy engemet maximum mostanában láthattál a monori Teszkóban. Három hónapig dolgoztam ott amíg ki nem raktak. Ez nem nagy titok, szóval akár a fórumon is megírhatom.

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 20:55.11
Na gyerekek ma majdnem befejeltem egy tányér csokifagyiba. Húgicámmal családi mozidélutánt tartottunk és épp a Lazarus Risinget néztük újra. Bátyám meg a gép előtt ücsörgött. Csend.
Majd beszól bátyám tök nyugodtan, hogy ő gondolkodott azon, hogy Cas miért hord két számmal nagyobb ruhát.
A hülye válasza. "Lehet, hogy Cas titokban felnőtt pelenkát hord, és ezt akarta eltitkolni azokkal a cucokkal" Mindezt pedig olyan faarccal, hogy az embernek már attól is röhöhetnékje támadt.

Némethke: Örök igazság, hogy az ellentétek vonzzák egymást. Erre most eszembe jutott az egyik novellám utolsó néhány sora, amiben épp ezt ellemzem. Pontosabban Dean hitét vagy épp a nem lévő hitét az angyalokban.
Na igen, de Cas azért alapjáratban egy érdekes angyal volt, mert ő nem nézte le az embereket, nem úgy mint Misi vagy akár Zach.

2010-05-17 19:33.04
Lehet, hogy már leette vagy az simán kimaradt.XD Minden esetre az a ruha nagyon csincsilla.
Én most különben összeteszem a két pici kacsóm, és imádkozom, hogy a készítők, pontosabban a jelmezesek adjanak valami jobb cuccot Mishára a 6. évadban, mert az a öltöny nagyon gáz.

Odaát (sorozat) - Odaát és minden másról

2010-05-17 19:30.26
Valamit nekem is tudnom kell, ha már nem vagyok képes verset írni.:DDD

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 17:50.07
Aha. Bár lehet, hogy ez azért van, mert a férfiak annyira nem tudják sminkelni magukat.XD Lehetne kicsit erősebb is a sminkje.^^ Kíváncsi lennék a büszke völegényre, akinek ilyen szevi arája van:PPP

2010-05-17 17:40.53
Szexi! Jól áll neki a ruha. Bár valami parókát mellé felvehetett volna a drága.:DDDD

2010-05-17 17:17.06
De viszont cserébe ott volt neki Sammyi. Aki viszont tényleg úgy viselkedett, mint egy fangörl. Csodálkozom, hogy nem akart autógramot kérni Castől:)

2010-05-17 16:56.08
Nézd, az emberek többsége tisztelte az angyalokat. Sőt mondhatni áhitattal néztek rájuk. Ugye az angyalok mégis csak a tökéletesség megtestesítői. Szerintem Cas is valami ilyesmit várt el Deantől és nem azt, hogy "Menj a picsába"

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-17 16:09.25
Dean szépen bepötyögi Sam telefonszámát.
Telefon: tü tü tü. A hívott számon előfizető nem kapcsolható
Dean: A franc. Úgy tűnik tényleg ezzel a két gyökérrel kell lennem. Úgy mennék vissza a Pokolba. Vagy bárhova máshova ahol ez a kettő nincs.
Cas: Dean. Nem azért, de itt állunk még mindig melletted és mindent halunk. Angyalok vagyunk és nem hülyék. Legalábbis én nem. Gabe nevében nem beszélhetek.
Dean: Erről azért beszélgethetnénk. (Cas kezébe nyomja a telóját) Na akkor ideje mennünk.
Gabe: Dean, mégis hova akarsz menni?

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 15:51.24
Jah. Igazán szexí volt. Mondjuk én azt vigyorogtam ahogy Bobby és Dean lereagálta mikor bemászott az ajtón.:) Na meg Dean kése.:)
Nem tudom, de nekem Dean úgy tünt, hogy szívesen beleeresztett volna egy tárat Casbe. Amivel nagyjából ugyanannyit ért volna, mint Bobby, de ez már mellékes probléma.

Én mondjuk azt sajnáltam, hogy nem igen láthattuk az angyalokat eredeti alakjukban. :DD

Azért mondtam, hogy szerintem Cas az alatt az X ezer év alatt nem igazán volt hozzászokva ahhoz, hogy valaki nevezzük nevén a feladata, visszadumál neki.

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-17 15:41.17
Másik toppicba szántam.

Elsétál egy telefonfülke mellett.
Dean: Na lássuk csak felhívom Sammyit, hogy szabadítsom mán meg a két gyíktól.
Besétál a telefonfülkébe és előkotor néhány érmét. Betobálja a lovét.
- A hívott számon előfizető nem kapcsolható.
Dean: Mi a fax?! Samnek új telója lenne, vagy mi a rák.
Na akkor felhívom Bobbyt.
A telefon kicseng. Cseng. Dean unott arckifejezéssel dobol a telefonon.
Megszólal az üzenetrögzítő.
- Hello! Bobby Singer telegonszámát hívta. Jelen pillanatban nem tartozkódom itthon, épp vadászaton vagyok vagy nőkkel. Nem tudom. De ha megadja nevét és telefonszámát és ha lesz hozzá kedvem visszahívom.
Dean: Csezd meg Bobby (dühösen lecsapja a telót) Akkor nincs mese, vissza kell mennem a két gyíkhoz.

Mindeközben Casnél és Gabnél.
Gabe: Szegény ostoba kisöcsém. Apánk mindig is jobban szeretett engem mint téged. Sosem akartuk elmondani neked, de te igazából a postástól vagy!
Cas: Igen! Tudtam, hogy valami nem stímmel velem.

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 15:32.10
Nos igen, ott volt Deani az új modern tetkójával és a frissen jöttem a Pokolból hozzáálásával. Amihez még csatlakozott a nem hiszek az angyalokban cucc. Én jót röhögtem minkor szépen elküldte melegebb éghajlatra Casit.
Na meg Cas, az enyhény csöves kinézetével. Az volt a másik nem semmi jelenet ahogy végignézett magán.
Dean különben az elejént tényleg csak egy feladat volt Casinek. Egy feladat ami visszapofázott neki.:)

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-17 15:31.56
Nos igen, ott volt Deani az új modern tetkójával és a frissen jöttem a Pokolból hozzáálásával. Amihez még csatlakozott a nem hiszek az angyalokban cucc. Én jót röhögtem minkor szépen elküldte melegebb éghajlatra Casit.
Na meg Cas, az enyhény csöves kinézetével. Az volt a másik nem semmi jelenet ahogy végignézett magán.
Dean különben az elejént tényleg csak egy feladat volt Casinek. Egy feladat ami visszapofázott neki.:)

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 15:02.30
Nem tudom, nekem a második sorozat annyira nem jött be. Azért hagytam.
Aztán nekiáltam fordítani a 4. évadot és mivel amúgy is nagy Angyal fan lennék így nekem alapból bejött egy az angyalos vonal.:) Na jó meg Casi belépője nagyon tetszett.^^
Meg persze Dean öröme, hogy láthat egy angyalt.:DDD Látszott a szívemen, hogy majdnem kiugrott a bőréből, hogy találkozott egy angyallal.xD

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-17 14:39.21
Gabe: Cöcöcö Casi. El ne felejtsek szólni, hogy küldjön el téged a detoxba. Mert ez a viselkedés rossz fényt vet ránk angyalokra.
Cas: Pofázik az, akinek 8 nője van és mindegyik egyben a felesége is. Mondd csak Gabci, a nőid tudnak egymásról? Ne is mondd! Tudoma választ.
Dean: Fiúk élvezem a társoságotokat, de ha nem dugultok be, csinálok rajtatok még egy lyukat!
Cas: Egyébként Gabe, miért is vagy te itt. Azt hittem valahol Vegasban csövelsz éppen.
Gabe: Tudod öcsi-picsi kaptam egy hívást a fatertól. Ő mondta nekem, hogy tartsalak szemmel téged és Deant. Nehogy valami hülyeséget csináljatok.
Dean: Hé 29 éves vagyok! Nincs szükségem bébicsőszre!

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 14:28.01
Nálunk mindig megy az ingyen műsor. Ez van, az én családom nem épp annyira konszolidált.

Én annó úgy voltam az Odaáttal, hogy az első évadot megnéztem. A másodikat dobtam, mert annyira nem jött be. Igazából azért kezdtem el nézni, mert Beka megkért, hogy csináljak neki feliratot, ugyanis valamiért a letölthető feliratok nem voltak kompatibilsak az általa letöltött változattal. (ez a 3.4. és 5 évad eleje volt)

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-17 14:24.44
Gabe: Na vegyé vissza az arcodból kiscsóka. Ha elfelejtetted volna én még mindig 'tábornok' vagyok, szóval seperc alatt szétrúghatom a seggedet!
Cas: Na azt megnézném. Gyere ki a hóra oszt lejátszuk.
Dean: Hé csajok. Menjetek szobára. Semmi kedvem ezt a sok hülyeséget hallgatni. Ha már itt vagyok inkább felszednék valami bögyös bigét.
Cas: Dean, nem. Előbb kerítsd elő kisöcsédet. Mert ő is kell nekünk.
Dean: Na ne mán. Azt ne mond, hogy te az öcsémre buksz. Hülye pedofil állat. Megrontanád ártatlan öcsikém lelkét.
Gabe: Dean szerintem Cas nem úgy gondolta.
Dean: Neked kuss Trükkös. Azért még mindig neheztelek rád a múltkori miatt.

Misha Collins - Vélemények

2010-05-17 14:05.50
Erről Zsoltika drága, nővérem ex pasija tudna mesélne. De a csávó még örülhet, hogy ők és nem én vettem kezelésbe, miután kiderült, hogy ő verte kétszer hülyére a nővéremet.

Odaát (sorozat) - Season 5

2010-05-17 13:58.11
Gabe: Üdv kiöcsi, mi a pálya. Olyan rég találkoztunk.
Dean: Szevasz Trükkös haverom.
Cas: Na már csak ez a faxkalap hiányzott. De nem is ez a lényeg. (csípőre teszi a kezét) Na ide figyelj Dean Winchester, akár tetszik neked, akár nem kihoztalak a Pokolból és megteszed ami a feladatod különben nem állok jót magamért.
Gabe: Ejnye, de kinyílt valakinek a csípája. 2000 évvel ezelőtt még csak egy kis buzi volt a lelkem.

elejére ... 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 végére


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