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Transformers Egy *Import - Angol hangot és angol feliratot tartalmaz* (DVD)

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- HBO, 04:25
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- Moziverzum, 04:45
- SuperTV2, 05:30
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- M2, 05:35
A jeges pokol
- Filmbox Extra HD, 05:40

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Javier Cámara (58)
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Luke MacFarlane (45)
Natassia Malthe (51)
Antoine Fuqua (59)

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A Straight Story - Igaz történet - Vélemények
Sivár vidék - Vélemények

További fórumok

Utoljára értékeltétek
Újra akcióban aaaaa
Channing Tatum aaaaa


Fórum - Dallas (sorozat) - Vélemények (1414. oldal)

Ahhoz, hogy hozzá tudj szólni a fórumokhoz, be kell jelentkezned, vagy regisztrálnod itt!

elejére ... 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 ... végére
10448. Perdikkas (2009-03-05 20:05.17) aaaaa
Pamela és Bobby rá fognak jönni valaha is, hogy Katherine hamisította azt a levelet?

10447. Gölő (2009-03-05 20:03.04)  
Ma megjelent Samatha kanja is.

10446. Gölő (2009-03-05 20:02.22)   - (válasz Mati 10444. hozzászólására)

jobb mint a semmi

10445. Mati (2009-03-05 20:01.33) aaaaa
Jockey készül valamire... nagyon titokzatos. Ma gyengébb volt a szerepe, viszont örültem Bobby és Pamela randijának!

10444. Mati (2009-03-05 20:00.27) aaaaa
Jó, de ezek "közérdekű közlemények", szerintem hemzsegnek az érdekes információk benne, csak nem tudom lefordítani. Úgy gondoltam hogy megosztom veletek! De nem ez lenne az első ilyen fordítás, hiszen Americanlife is fordított már itt, nemi egyszer!

10443. Adri80 (2009-03-05 19:46.57)  
közben rájöttem köszi:)

10442. Gölő (2009-03-05 19:45.28)  
mindenkinek úgy lehet az e-mailjára írni, hogy itt a felhasználó nevére katt, majd ott e-mail küldése szövegre

10441. DjRolee (2009-03-05 19:44.20)  
Mati hagyd már abba szét offolod a topikot :-/

10440. Böcsi (2009-03-05 19:43.34) aaaaa - (válasz Gölő 10427. hozzászólására)
Köszi! Azzal szerencsére sikerült!

10439. Mati (2009-03-05 19:43.30) aaaaa
The balance of power:
JR : 30%
Bobby: 30%
Gary :10%
Jack :10%
Miss Ellie : 10%
Ray :10%
1986 : The Oil Business is in trouble.:
The price of oil dropped dramatically, the middle east had flooded the market with their oil, sending the price of crude down to an all time low. It was fine for the big companies like WesStar, but the likes of the Independence were in turmoil. JR was forced to shut down the stripper wells causing a great deal of unemployment. Meanwhile Cliff Barnes stole an idea of Jamies for all the Oil Companies to pull together and form a lobby in Washington to put a tariff on imported Oil. Cliff became famous over the idea, much to Jamie\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s anger. Donna Krebbs headed the Lobby. A man by the name of Scotfield lost his job from Ewing 12. In his anger he blew up a well, he was later arrested and in his shame committee suicide. His wife Martha wanted vengeance. She visited Ewing Oil and told Bobby that "one day a big fish like Ewing Oil is gonna get eaten up and swallowed hole by a even bigger fish" and she would hold them that promise.
1986 : Saudi Arabia : JR STARTS A WAR
JR wanted the price of American crude to rise and he wanted it to happen now. He met with a General Longly who was sacked from the military for War Mongering. He put JR in touch with BD Calhoun who would go to the middle east and start trouble by blowing the Oil Wells. This he did. Iraq blamed Libya and Libya blamed Iraq, JR had met his aim. But to do this people were killed and JR wanted out. BD would hold JR to his promise
and blamed JR for the whole mess. BD kidnapped John Ross and threatened to kill him, but Ray killed BD in time. The FBI were involved and decided on a cover up to save the face of America as well as JR`s butt.
Mrs Scotfields brother worked at the FBI offices as a clerk. He stumbled upon information revealing JR`s involvement with BD Calhoun which was a federal crime. Mrs Scotfield then gave the story to a small town paper who revealed the story and opened the biggest can of worms JR was ever to see.
Jeremy Wendell of WestStar wanted the Ewing assets. He made Mrs Scott a rich woman for which she gave him the evidence. She made him promise her he would destroy Ewing Oil, he agreed.
Ewing Oil is currently owned by Bobby James Ewing in partnership with Sue Ellen Ewing Lockwood.
Van bennük valami olyan dolog amiket nem tudtunk? Az évszámokra, ha másra nemis kíváncsi vagyok!

10438. Mati (2009-03-05 19:41.57) aaaaa
Seth Stone could not bear to tell his wife Marilee that he had near bankrupted her fathers company, in his distress Seth killed himself. Jock believed that JR knew the wells were going to be nationalized , and that the Cartel had been double crossed, so he fired JR from Ewing Oil and made Bobby president.
1980 : The Takapa Project : Bobby resigns.
Bobby committed Ewing Oil to a deal with the Cartel. It was the first business Ewing had done with them since the Asian deal and was important for the relationship to continue. But unbeknown to Bobby, Jock had taken $12,000,000 out of the Ewing Oil account to go into business with Punk Anderson on the Takapa project, turning land on the Texas/Louisiana border into a fishing resort. Bobby eventually pulled the deal off via a loan but had a terrible row with Jock and decided to quit Ewing Oil.
One night in the spring of 1980, JR was shot at the Ewing Oil offices, by his Sister in law Kristin.
1980 : JR back as President.
Jock reinstated JR as president. JR`s first move was to improve Ewing Oil`s public image, so hired so hired Public Relations guru Leslie Stewart to improve its tarnished image. But the best thing for the image of Ewing Oil was the toppling of the Asian government. The oil wells were returned to their Texas owners, making Ewing Oil and the Cartel a small fortune.
JR\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s wife Sue Ellen left South fork and moved in with her lover Dusty Farlow at the Southern Cross Ranch. JR began stock piling Farlow oil as a way to force Sue Ellen back to South fork with their son John Ross. This put a great strain on the Ewing finances as the price of Oil dropped and JR was stuck with a load of Oil he could get rid of.
Jock was killed in a helicopter crash in South America. The balance of power was now held as following :
Ellie Ewing : 30 Shares.
JR EWING : 20 Shares.
John Ross Ewing : 10 Shares ( Ellie voted them if he was living off South fork, JR if on South fork)
Gary Ewing : 10 Shares ( which he gave to Lucy Ewing)
Bobby Ewing: 20 Shares
Ray Krebbs: 10 Shares.

Miss Ellie stepped in to stop the destruction of Ewing Oil over the stock piling of Farlow Oil. She persuaded the family to vote with her to have JR fired as President and Bobby reinstated.
1982 : The Reading of Jock Will : THE WAR OF THE EWINGS:
The will stated that Ewing Oil be split 50-50 between Bobby and JR and each would run his half as a separate company for one Year.
At the end of the year the brother with the greatest profit would inherit 51% of the company. and the loser 19%. The rest would go to Miss Ellie, Ray and Gary. Bobby\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s route was to drill in frozen ground in Canada using the Tundra Torque drill bit. JR`s route was to over pump oil with a special variance from the OLM, refine it and open a chain of cut price Gas Stations.
1983: The Near Destruction of the Family Ewing:
The battle for the brothers was blood thirsty. It tour the family apart. Bobby and Pam divorced, Pam`s mother Rebecca was killed in a Plane crash during her attempt to stop JR winning. In the fall of 1983 JR and Bobby decided to call the battle off. They agreed a 50-50 share and signed to this effect. Just after this signing it was revealed that Bobby Ewing would have won the war as his wells in Canada came in. Ownership of Ewing Oil was now as follows:
JR : 35%
Bobby : 35%
Gary : 10%
Miss Ellie :10%
Ray: 10%
The brothers would run the company side by side.
1984 : Bobby shot at Ewing Oil:
Bobby was shot at the office, this time the would be assassin was Katherine Wentworth, Pam\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s sister who was in love with Bobby. During his recover Donna Krebbs stepped into his place at Ewing Oil, much to the annoyance of JR. But anything that made JR uncomfortable, made Donna very happy.
1984 : Jock, Digger and Jason\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s legacy:
Jason\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s daughter Jamie Ewing turned up at South fork, from Alaska where she had been working in the Oil Business. Jason was now dead and Jamie had a document which apparently proved that Ewing Oil was in fact owned by Jock, Digger and Jason. Jamie married Cliff and they sided to take the Ewings to court for their shares in Ewing Oil.
1985 : Barnes vs Ewing
The case came to court and the Ewing\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s had a fight on their hands to keep control. But then a stranger came to town in the shape of Jack Ewing, Jason\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s son and Jamie\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s brother. Jack went to JR to reveal that he had proof that Ewing Oil was owned outright by Jock Ewing. But there was a price for this information. Jack demanded 10% of Ewing Oil. The Ewing Family agreed. Jack took Ray, Bobby and JR to California to meet a man called Wally Windun. He had witnessed the dissolving of the partnership and revealed that the document was with Jock first wife Amanda. The family met with Amanda, retrieved the document and won the battle for control. But now with Jack Ewing as a partner.

10437. Mati (2009-03-05 19:40.06) aaaaa
Clayton Farlow (stepfather)
Address Southfork Ranch
The Year it all began 1927:

Jock struck up a friendship with Willard "Digger" Barnes, who could literally smell oil and pinpoint exactly where to drill. With Jocks brightness and cunning and with his expertise of being able to use the highly dangerous method of breaking through limestone deposits by shooting the well with nitrogen, the two men pulled together as wildcatters.

1930 : The Ewing Empire is born.

Due to Diggers drunken tenancies Jock brought in his brother Jason Ewing to assist the venture. Finally Ewing 1 came in, and what a gusher it was. Jock put the money into other ventures, a worked his butt off to build on their wealth. But the partnership began to crumble as Jason and Digger would continually drink and gamble away the money. But then came Ewing 6. Jock decided to put this well in his name only, as a way of protecting the asset. When this well came in , it was the biggest strike yet. Jock was then confronted by Jason and Digger, he tried to explain why he had done it. But Digger accused him of being a "crook" and tried to murder him. After this Jock decided to go it alone, and let Jason and Digger drink themselves silly. Digger never forgave Jock, the Ewing-Barnes feud was born, and Jason disappeared. Jock went it alone.........Ewing Oil was born.
1939 : The Heir to the Empire
This was the year that John Ross Ewing J.R was born, J.R Ewing. Jock said he was going to train him to be a "mans man", this included Jock taking his son from the age of 5 into the offices of Ewing Oil, to teach him the family business. Jock was about to create a man who had only two aims in life: money and power, both of which came under the heading of EWING OIL.
1960: JR comes home to roost:
JR came home as a soldier from Vietnam, and became Vice Chairman of Ewing Oil
1977: The Year of Change:
Jock retired as Chief Executive Officer, but remained Chairman of the Board. JR Ewing became the president.
1978 : Bobby Joins The Oil Business:
J.R`s younger brother joined the executive management team. J.R resented his presence and wanted him out of the way. Things came to a head at the end of 1978, Bobby resigned from Ewing Oil and started up Ewing Construction.
1979: The Biggest Oil Strike in the World. Ewings are now Billionaires
Cliff Barnes, Diggers son was made Commissioner of the Office of Land Management and declared WAR on Ewing Oil. In October Cliff halted all the new drilling sites of Ewing Oil and began shutting down the fields. JR quickly had to find a new source of income. JR invested $200,000,000 in offshore leases in Asia and mortgaged the Ewing home South fork to do this. The wells came in and was one on the biggest oil strikes in the world. making the Ewing Family billionaires.
1979 : Revolt in Asia ,JR FIRED, Bobby steps back into OIL, and Marilee a widow.
Jock was upset over JR`s mortgaging of South fork, so Bobby stepped into help run Ewing Oil. JR had word that problems were escalating in Asia so he decided to sell shares in the Asian leases. Four people took up the offer: Seth Stone, Jordan Lee, Andy Bradley, and Vaughn Leland.
The next day there was a political revolt in Asia and the wells were nationalized. The investors lost everything, sending them all near to bankruptcy.

10436. DjRolee (2009-03-05 19:39.52)   - (válasz Adri80 10434. hozzászólására)
Hát a hét folyamán adtam el 10. évadot már a teszveszen

10435. Mati (2009-03-05 19:39.13) aaaaa
J.R. Ewing is said to be the only character to appear in all 357 episodes of the series. After being shot by his sister-in-law Kristin, the character\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s face was hidden for two episodes, while Hagman sought contract negotiations.
John Bradshaw Layfield, a former WWE Champion and color commentator on Smackdown, uses J.R. Ewing\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s character base as his persona.
In the Hungarian translation of the series, he was always called "Jockey".
First appearance April 2, 1978
Digger\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Daughter
Last appearance April 24, 1998
Dallas: War of the Ewings
Created by David Jacobs
Portrayed by Larry Hagman
Nickname(s) J.R.
Gender Male
Age 71
Date of birth 1938
Occupation Oil Tycoon
Family Jock Ewing (father) (deceased)
Ellie Farlow (mother)
Gary Ewing (brother)
Bobby Ewing (brother)
Ray Krebbs (paternal half brother)
Steven "Dusty" Farlow (step brother)
Spouse(s) Sue Ellen Shepard (1970-81, 1982-88)
Cally Harper (1988-91)
Children John Ross Ewing III
James Richard Beaumont (illegitimate)
unknown son with Cally
Relatives Lucy Ewing Cooper (niece)
Christopher Ewing (nephew) (adoptive)

10434. Adri80 (2009-03-05 19:38.55)  
Gölő meg lehet tudni az email címed?
Dj Rolee létezik hogy töled rendeltem dallas 10-ik évadot?

10433. Mati (2009-03-05 19:38.41) aaaaa
John Ross Ewing, Jr., more commonly known as J.R. Ewing, played by Larry Hagman, was a nefarious figure on the hit CBS television series Dallas. The series was a cross between Romeo and Juliet (Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes were lovers whose families were sworn enemies) and the western Bonanza (with its affluent patriarch and three sons). America\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favorite antihero since Eddie Haskell, J.R. was a covetous, egocentric, and amoral oil baron, who was constantly plotting subterfuges to plunder his foes and their Texas-sized wallets.

The thrust of the series was initially the feuding families, with J.R. just a supporting character. However, his popularity grew and the producers acknowledged he became the "break-out character". Two highly rated 1980 episodes became pop culture zeniths. In "A House Divided" and "Who Done It?", the audience witnessed J.R. being shot by an unknown assailant. After the cliffhanger was broadcast in March, the audience had to wait until the October conclusion. The summer of 1980 was all abuzz with a new national obsession known as "Who shot J.R.?". Riding the crest of his newfound popularity, Larry Hagman threatened to leave the series unless his contractual demands were met. CBS leaked rumors of recasting, but the actor eventually prevailed.

[edit] Fictional character biography
J. R., born in 1938, shared oil duties with his kind-hearted kid brother Bobby, while fair-haired middle brother Garrison (Gary) moved to California. An alcoholic, Gary and his wife Val were spun-off into the prime time soap Knots Landing. Gary\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s daughter Lucy was whisked away to the ranch by J.R. Knots Landing was created before Dallas, but it was not bought by CBS until 1979.

J.R.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s extramarital flings and an obsessive drive to maximize profits left no time for the Southfork Ranch and animal husbandry, which were mostly the domain of his half-brother Ray Krebbs and mother Miss Ellie. J.R. was keen on women and mean on his arch nemesis Cliff Barnes. The two characters were the only ones who remained with the series throughout all 14 seasons.

Though ever the womanizer, J.R. had two wives during the show\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s run: Sue-Ellen (played by Linda Gray) and Cally (played by Cathy Podewell), and three sons: John Ross III, Terrance Harper, and James Beaumont (one each to his wives and one from an earlier, off-screen affair). J.R. drove a pale green Mercedes-Benz with the license plate "EWING 3" (patriarch Jock was #1). J.R. drove a Cadillac Allanté convertible from 1987-1991.

The series capitalized on ending each season with ratings-grabbing cliffhangers. Some notable cliffhangers included the "Who shot J.R.?" dynamo, a floating female corpse in the pool, a blazing mansion fire, Bobby mistakenly being shot while sitting in J.R.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s office, and the kidnapping of Miss Ellie by her half-crazed sister-in-law. Usually, no longlasting damage was done to any essential cast member — unless they wanted to leave the series. Both Bobby and Pam were killed off, with Bobby returning in a dream sequence. As Dallas drew to its 1991 finale, "Conundrum", J.R. was finally undone by a combination of his enemies and booze. Abandoned by most family members (Sue Ellen, John Ross, Miss Ellie, Lucy...), J.R. was set up by West Star Oil owner Carter McKay. Believing that Westar was available, J.R. sold his half of Ewing Oil to Cliff Barnes, only to discover that this con was engineered by Mackay (whom J.R. previously framed for murder). J.R. had bought up worthless voting rights with no hope of buying the required shares to use them. He had lost both companies. J.R. contemplated suicide and could be seen wandering around the Southfork pool with a bottle of bourbon and a loaded revolver. After an It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a Wonderful Life-like fantasy in which J.R. is shown what life would have been like had he never been born, the series ended as a gunshot rang out and Bobby dashed into the main bedroom of Southfork shouting "oh my God" at the mystery sight which met him. J.R.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s fate was not revealed.

In a later reunion movie it was revealed that J.R. had shot a mirror and moved away to Europe for a few years. He returned and attempted to take back his empire, succeeding to an extent as he drove Cliff Barnes out of Ewing Oil, returning it to Bobby. J.R. was also elected president of Westar Oil, a feat he had spent almost fifteen years fighting to achieve.".[citation needed]
Another reunion movie (in which Ken Kercheval was absent) saw J.R. try and fail to force a merge with Ewing Oil, but he claims a consolation of conning $50,000,000 from Carter McKay.
[edit] Trivia

10432. Mati (2009-03-05 19:38.06) aaaaa
John Ross Ewing, Jr., more commonly known as J.R. Ewing, played by Larry Hagman, was a nefarious figure on the hit CBS television series Dallas. The series was a cross between Romeo and Juliet (Bobby Ewing and Pamela Barnes were lovers whose families were sworn enemies) and the western Bonanza (with its affluent patriarch and three sons). America\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s favorite antihero since Eddie Haskell, J.R. was a covetous, egocentric, and amoral oil baron, who was constantly plotting subterfuges to plunder his foes and their Texas-sized wallets.

The thrust of the series was initially the feuding families, with J.R. just a supporting character. However, his popularity grew and the producers acknowledged he became the "break-out character". Two highly rated 1980 episodes became pop culture zeniths. In "A House Divided" and "Who Done It?", the audience witnessed J.R. being shot by an unknown assailant. After the cliffhanger was broadcast in March, the audience had to wait until the October conclusion. The summer of 1980 was all abuzz with a new national obsession known as "Who shot J.R.?". Riding the crest of his newfound popularity, Larry Hagman threatened to leave the series unless his contractual demands were met. CBS leaked rumors of recasting, but the actor eventually prevailed.

[edit] Fictional character biography
J. R., born in 1938, shared oil duties with his kind-hearted kid brother Bobby, while fair-haired middle brother Garrison (Gary) moved to California. An alcoholic, Gary and his wife Val were spun-off into the prime time soap Knots Landing. Gary\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s daughter Lucy was whisked away to the ranch by J.R. Knots Landing was created before Dallas, but it was not bought by CBS until 1979.

10431. Thalia27 (2009-03-05 19:36.23)   - (válasz DjRolee 10430. hozzászólására)
Pedig nem sikerült.

10430. DjRolee (2009-03-05 19:33.53)   - (válasz Thalia27 10429. hozzászólására)
Ohh pedig nem bonyolult :(

10429. Thalia27 (2009-03-05 19:32.50)   - (válasz DjRolee 10424. hozzászólására)
Semmilyennel, mert odáig el sem jutottam...
De mondom, nem érdekes.

10428. Mati (2009-03-05 19:30.30) aaaaa
Aki le tudná fordítani! Találtam a Ewing Oil-ról angol írást!

Ewing Oil Company is a fictional oil company from the television series Dallas. The company was founded by John Ross "Jock" Ewing, Sr. during the Great Depression. After he retired in 1977 Jock made his oldest son John Ross "J. R." Ewing, Jr. the President of Ewing Oil but remained Chairman of the Board. When J. R. was shot Jock made his son Bobby Ewing president of the company, but once J. R. recovered Bobby refused to step down but eventually quit because of the nature of the oil business.

When Jock died in a helicopter crash in South America his will divided the company equally between J. R. and Bobby and after one year whoever had made more profits would gain 51% of Ewing Oil. But when Bobby won on a technicality they divided it between them with other percentages going to Miss Ellie, Gary, and Ray.

Later J. R. and Bobby sold 5% each to their cousin Jack Ewing, who had valuable information needed to help the Ewings keep control of Ewing Oil. A couple of months later, Jack sold it to his sister Jamie Ewing-Barnes. She died and left it in her estate, which was inherited by her soon to be ex-husband, Cliff Barnes, son of co-founder Digger Barnes.

Jack came back to another court battle over Ewing Oil, which he helped settle with his 10% being divided in half to his brother-in-law and his ex-wife (the court granted half of his income and wealth for five after divorce).

[edit] List of Presidents of the company
Jason Ewing 1930-1931
Digger Barnes 1930-1931
Jock Ewing 1930-1941, 1945-81
Ellie Ewing 1941-1945, 1981
J. R. Ewing 1977-1980, 1982-88
Bobby Ewing 1980, 1982-88, 1989-1990 1996–present (along with Sue Ellen)
Donna Krebbs 1984
Cliff Barnes 1989, 1990-96
Sue Ellen 1996– (along with Bobby)

[edit] Divisions of the company
Ewing Enterprises
Southfork Ranch - (Reorganized after Asian fiasco, now personal asset of Ewings)
Unified Development - Takapa incident
Needham Enterprises - according to Knots Landing timeline
Kinsmet Press
Ewing Construction (1979)
Ewing Alternative Energy (1980)
Lassator Solar Industries (1981)
Ewing Refineries (1980–)
Redfield Refineries
Farlow Refineries
Type Fictitious Oil Company
Founded Dallas, U.S., 1930
Founder(s) Jock Ewing
Headquarters Dallas, Texas, U.S.
Key people Jock Ewing
J. R. Ewing
Bobby Ewing
Jason Ewing
Willard "Digger" Barnes
Industry Oil
Products Fuels and Lubricants

10427. Gölő (2009-03-05 19:26.56)   - (válasz Böcsi 10426. hozzászólására)
Van kép is!

Pont ez volt a lényeg!

Másik lejátszóval próbáld.

Ezzel garantáltan megy:
media player classic

10426. Böcsi (2009-03-05 19:23.03) aaaaa
Én letöltöttem és megnéztem Gölő linkjét, szerintem nagyon jó lett, szép tisztán szól a hang is, viszont kár, hogy nincs kép csak zene! :)

10425. DjRolee (2009-03-05 19:22.26)   - (válasz Thalia27 10423. hozzászólására)
Ja és nem érdemes ékezetes betűket használni mert rendeléskor problémás lehet.

10424. DjRolee (2009-03-05 19:17.16)   - (válasz Thalia27 10423. hozzászólására)
Milyen kártyával próbáltál regisztrálni az amazonon?
OTP Visa Electron ajánlott és fontos hogy a kártya hátoldalán legyen egy különálló 3 szám ha az nincs akkor alkalmatlan a kártyád a netes vásárlásra.

10423. Thalia27 (2009-03-05 19:08.48)   - (válasz Gölő 10422. hozzászólására)
Regisztrálni asszem sikerült, de tovább nem tudok menni. Minden baromságot kiír. Mindegy, nem érdekes. Nem megy ez nekem.
A linkedet meg nem engedi letölteni a rapidról.

10422. Gölő (2009-03-05 18:40.26)   - (válasz Thalia27 10421. hozzászólására)
Nagy vonalakban...

1. regisztrálni
2. profilodban megadni az adataidat a bankkártyáddal együtt.
3. terméket keresni
4. add to shopping basket-re kattintani.

onnan már nem lehet eltéveszteni

10421. Thalia27 (2009-03-05 18:31.38)  
Valaki segítsen hogyan tudok amazonról rendelni. Nem igazodom ki az oldalon. Köszi!

10420. Gölő (2009-03-05 18:03.25)  
Dallas - Season 7 1 rész DVD főcimzenéje MAGYARUL!

Minta a Gölő stúdió munkájából


* Automatikusan eltávolított tartalom.

10419. Katherine30 (2009-03-05 17:40.08)   - (válasz Gölő 10415. hozzászólására)
Hát, szerintem valamennyire büntetés lehet neki, hogy Samantha már nincs a hatalmában, és nem úgy táncol, ahogy ő fütyül. Azok után, hogy nemrég még kizárólagosan mellette állt, támogatta mindenben. Kényelmes lehetett Jockeynak, hogy ha hazaér, az asszony kényezteti, bebújhat mellé az ágyba, stb., most meg egyedül alhat.
Lehet, hogy van abban valami, amit Samantha mondott, hogy élvezi, ha fájdalmat okozhat neki.

elejére ... 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 ... végére

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A Dallas sorozatok openingjei és endingjeiTündérke:-), 2019-03-21 10:5645 hsz
A Legjobb beszólásokDanyi, 2019-03-14 21:50316 hsz
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Összes Dallas fórum (18 db)

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